Apex Legends Rampage LMG: Damage Stats, Attachments, and Skins.
February 25, 2022: We've updated this guide with new weapon information from the recent season update.The Rampage is the latest addition to the light machine guns in Apex Legends. The fully automatic weapon utilises heavy ammunition in a similar fashion to the M600 Spitfire. The Devotion andL-Star light machine guns both use energy ammunition.
It is no secret that the Rampage has had its share of issues. Namely, a bug and then an exploit that caused it to be removed from the game for a while. However, it hasn't stopped the weapon from rapidly gaining popularity over the most recent season. It can be immensely powerful against enemy squads, especially when you add a barrel stabiliser.
On this page, we're going to show you the damage stats, attachments, and skins for the Rampage LMG. Has one of the newest weapons in the game got the capabilities to make you reconsider your current load-out? Let's find out.
Basic Information
Here is the basic information that you need to know about the Rampage LMG:
- Weapon Type: Light Machine Gun
- Firing Modes: Automatic
- Ammo Type: Heavy Ammo
- Magazine Size: 28 / 32 / 34 / 40
- Range: Mid
- Tac Reload Time: 2.6s / 2.51s / 2.43s / 2.34s
- Full Reload Time: 3.33s / 3.22s / 3.11s / 3s
- Rate of Fire: 300 RPM
- Projectile Speed: 26,500 UPS
Damage Stats
How much damage does a Rampage do in Apex? That's what you really need to know. Just below you'll find the damage stats for the Rampage LMG. Do note these are just the basic damage stats and do not reflect stats for Fortified Legends (Caustic, Gibraltar) where damage stats are typically reduced by 15%.
- Get more items: Here's how to get more skins in Apex Legends.
The Rampage is the latest addition to the LMG arsenal on Apex Legends, but its range of attachments is no different to what we are used to so far.
- 1x Holo (Common)
- 1x HCOG Classic (Common)
- 2x HCOG Bruiser (Rare)
- 1x-2x Variable Holo (Rare)
- 3x HCOG Ranger (Epic)
- 2x-4x Variable AOG (Epic)
- Barrel Stabiliser
- Extended Heavy Mag
- Standard Stock
At the time of writing, there are a total of 45 weapon skins for the L-Star in Apex Legends. This includes 12 Legendary, 5 Epic, 25 Rare, and 16 Common skins. The skins range in price, from 30 crafting metals (Common) to 1,200 crafting metals (Legendary).
We've listed all of the skins that you can currently purchase for the weapon below. This does not include special skins that are a part of annual or limited-time events.
The Rampage took centre stage when it arrived and it is safe to say that it has not been too disappointing. The weapon has quickly established itself as one of the go-to light machine guns in the Apex Legends world, particularly in the Arenas mode. Its low recoil and high damage combination make for the perfect partnership in medium-range combat.
However, it does have a frustratingly slow fire rate compared to other weapons. It's also worth noting that the overall damage has been reduced from 28 to 26. The number of revved shots you get is now 34 instead of 40. It's still a good weapon, but we recommend having a secondary weapon that has a faster fire rate too.
As one of the newest weapons in the game, the Rampage LMG is making a name for itself in Apex Legends. Having the perfect weapon in your load-out can make the scramble to be the champion much easier. If you're not sure if your current load-out is working for you, take a look at ourApex Legends Weapons Guide to find out about the best ones for this season. Also, having the perfect Legend is a key part of winning a match. Luckily, we have an Apex Legends Character guide to help you decide which one will accompany you into battle.
Updated by Marie Pritchard.