Destiny 2 Umbral Engram Guide: what are they, what do they do, how to get them?

Destiny 2 Season of Arrivals is finally here, and it introduces another type of seasonal engram.

Umbral Engrams are the order of the day, but they're not easy to open. Here's what they are and what they do.

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What Are Destiny 2's Umbral Engrams?

Umbral Engrams drop at your current power level, but they aren't turned in at the Cryptarch or Eververse to crack them open. Instead, you'll need a tool called the Umbral Decoder.

Using it, and the Prismatic Recaster, you can not only open the engrams but give them a nudge into the direction of the loot you're after, too.

How to get the Umbral Decoder and Prismatic Recaster

The game's first Season 12 mission, "In The Face of Darkness" will task players with finding Eris Morn and reward them with this seasons Artifact, Seed of Silver Wings.

After that, head to Titan or Io and complete the Gambit-inspired Invasion Site events. Beat the boss (we'd recommend a power level of 1040 just to be safe), and then speak to the Drifter to get the Umbral Decoder.

The Prismatic Recaster is just a few more steps away, requiring you can complete a Strike, Crucible match, or Gambit match to turn in "Twisted Energy".

This opens up the Prismatic Recaster, and you can then turn in your Umbral Engrams.

You can buy more Umbral Engrams with Altered Element (earned by completing Bounties from the Prismatic Recaster) and a Trace Override (a material you can buy with legendary shards).

Twisted Energy will help you level up the Prismatic Recaster, and doing so increases the chances of Umbral Engrams spawning, reducing their cost, or any number of other perks.

Yep, because Destiny 2 really needed more bounties and currencies.

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