GTA Online Exotic Exports List: How to Find All The Cars
UPDATE - The new GTA Online Weekly Update for August 19 to 26 is giving players 2x GTA$ & RP on Exotic Exports. If you were to deliver all 10 cars each day for the next 7 days you would earn GTA $4.2 million. Go grab that cash!Original Story - One of the many new features added to GTA Online as part of the Los Santos Tuners update is the Exotic Exports Car List. It's very simple really, everyday players will be asked to track down rare and exotic cars which can be exchanged for cash and RP. Each car will pay $20,000 once delivered (as well as 1000 RP) and should you manage to deliver all 10 in a day, you'll get an extra $100,000. That's a possible $300,000 each game day if you find all 10 vehicles.
Sounds easy right? Well, actually it's more tricky than that. Keep reading, we'll explain everything you need to know to track down and collect the daily exotic exports list in GTA Online.
How To Find The Exotic Exports List
First of all, you need to have an auto shop property and secondly, you need to have completed one new robbery contract from KDJ (Kenny Dixon Jr. aka Moodymann) before you can start boosting cars from the Exotic Exports list.
When you complete the first robbery you'll get a phone call from Sessanta inviting you to join "a little side hustle" which will unlock the exotic exports list in your auto shop.
Assuming you've done all of the above, you'll find your daily exotic exports car list on the upper floor of your auto shop.
How to Find Cars on the Exotic Exports List
First off, you can find cars on the exotic exports list in any type of session - This includes public, invite-only, crew, etc - and it doesn't matter what condition the vehicle is in when you deliver it. It just needs to be working and not blown up!
Secondly, we'd recommend playing the game in solo mode or a closed lobby because you can avoid griefers who might be intentionally stealing the cars or blowing them up as you approach them. Why? Because griefers, what do you expect?
Since the cars spawn randomly throughout Los Santos (a bit like the Treasure on Cayo Perico), it's very hard to find and pin down the car locations every day. There's also a bug that's preventing exotic cars spawning for players, but more on that further down.
There are though, some things you can do to improve your search.
For one, you won't find some of the rare expensive cars on the streets driven by NPC's, you'll more likely find those in parked locations in more well to do areas. Likewise, the vast majority of cars will be found in the city where there's a higher concentration of vehicle spawn locations.
Finally, some cars, like the Grotti Carbonizzare, can be found on the streets of the city driven by NPCs. So not every car is too hard to find.
If you really want to help yourself though, we suggest you keep reading and check out the map showing all the possible locations for the exotic export cars. But be warner, there's a lot.
Where do you deliver Exotic Export Cars?
Once you find and steal a vehicle listed on the daily exotic exports list you must deliver it to Sessanta's partner at the docks.
All Exotic Exports Car List
As noted, the game will ask you to locate 10 different cars every day, but according to the fans on GTA Forums (cheers CaliMeatWagon), the actual list of possible cars players could be asked to locate is far more extensive.
This is the Exotic Exports Car List:
- Albany Alpha
- Albany Buccaneer Custom
- Albany V-STR
- Annis Elegy Retro Custom
- Benefactor Krieger
- Benefactor Surano
- Bravado Banshee 900R
- Bravado Verlierer
- Coil Raiden
- Declasse Drift Yosemite
- Declasse Mamba
- Dewbauchee Specter
- Enus Paragon R
- Grotti Carbonizzare
- Grotti Turisom R
- Hijak Ruston
- Imponte Ruiner
- Karin 190z
- Lampadati Tigon
- Lampadati Tropos Rallye
- Maxwell Asbo
- Maxwell Vagrant
- Obey Rocoto
- Ocelot Penetrator
- Ocelot Swinger
- Overflod Autarch
- Overflod Tyrant
- Pegassi Infernus
- Pegassi Monroe
- Pfister Comet
- Principe Deveste Eight
- Ubermacht SC1
- Vapid Bullet
- Vysser Neo
Exotic Exports Car Locations Map
As we've touched on, the 10 cars you need to find daily could spawn in any one of 100 possible locations on the map. When you get close to one, a blue dot will appear on the map, however, there's really no rhyme or reason as to where the cars could be on any given day.
If you want to help narrow down your search, use the interactive map below as a reference point, but as we mention, you still need a slice of luck to find the cars from the 100 possible locations.
Exotic Exports Cars Not Spawning / Not Working?
Since the release of the GTA Online Los Santos Tuners DLC there have been some players in the community who have struggled with the exotic exports list. Generally, the complaints stem from players unable to find any exotic cars despite playing for hours on end.
Here's an example of one common complaint:
I’ve played probably 18 hours since Tuesday and I haven’t found a single exotic export. I’ve been actually searching for them for at least an hour and a half and still haven’t found a single one. I have done a contract, I did the fleeca bank one. Is anyone else experiencing this, or does anyone know a fix?The fix, as many have realised, is to open your interactive menu settings and making sure that Air-Freight is turned on. This is most likely a bug, but there's no telling when Rockstar may fix the issue. So for now, follow this path in the settings to turn on the air fright setting:
Interaction menu > hide options > others > air freight > show
This should solve your issues and exotic cars should be easier to find. It's also worth noting the blue dots which reveal possible locations has a large radius on the map, so keep your eyes peeled for those exotic motors!
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