Genshin Impact Cross-Save Guide for PS4 and PS5

Looking for info on how the Genshin Impact cross-save feature works? Version 2.0 added a whole new region to the game, Inazuma, as well as new characters and weapons to collect. But it also finally added a cross-save feature for PlayStation users, meaning you can now take your progress from PC and mobile to PS4 and PS5.

In this Genshin Impact cross-save how-to, we'll explain the process for account linking from PC and mobile to your PS4 and PS5. To do this, you need both a Mihoyo account and your PSN ID, so be sure to have both ready.

How To Use Genshin Impact Cross-Save On PlayStation

Simply follow these steps to link your PC and mobile account with your PlayStation:

  • Download Genshin Impact on PS4 or PS5
  • When you first start the game, a pop-up window should appear. Follow its instructions to link your Mihoyo account
  • Be warned: if you skip this pop-up, there is no way to link your PC or mobile account to PS4 and PS5

The same goes for anyone who has already played Genshin Impact on PS4 and PS5. The only way to account link between PC or mobile to utilise the Genshin Impact cross-save function is by using the pop-up window the first time you open the game. You can also link your PS4 and PS5 to mobile and PC. Here's how you do it:

  • Log in to Genshin Impact on PlayStation
  • Head to Settings, then Account, then User Center, then to Link Account
  • This section lets you link your PSN account to an email address that isn't being used for a Mihoyo account
  • Log in using that email address when you play on PC or mobile

If you're looking for more guides to help you get started in Inazuma, then be sure to check out our Genshin Impact section. We also have helpful guides on how to get to Inazuma, Sakura Bloom locations for ascending Ayaka, and even some info surrounding Genshin Impact 2.1. Check 'em out!

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