Destiny 2 Iron Banner (February 2022): Season 15 Schedule, Quest Steps, Weapons & More

Reminder: Iron Banner will be removed from the Crucible today, following the release of the next Weekly Reset and the launch of Witch Queen. Finish those bounties whilst you still can!

Good news, Destiny fans – Iron Banner will be back with fresh rewards in Season 15. If you're new to Destiny, the mode is a PvP activity that lasts for a week and enables Power Level advantages. For more, check out our guide.

The long and short of it, though, is that your Power Level matters in Iron Banner. Not only will you deal more damage, but you'll be able to take more, too, meaning those just starting out might want to skip the mode until they've levelled up at least a bit.

Read More: Everything You Need Know About Destiny 2 The Witch Queen Expansion

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6 September 2021 -

This is a fascinating read from Paul Tassi of Forbes. A look at The ‘Destiny 2’ God Roll Iron Banner Sidearms And Pulses You Should Be Farming for season 15.

Destiny 2 Iron Banner 2021 Schedule Start Dates

The last time that Iron Banner was available in the Destiny 2 crucible was from October 5 to October 12.

However, since then we've not been given any specifics on when Iron Banner is coming back to the game, although we suspected the fan-favourite mode will return at some stage in November.

Iron Banner 'For the War to Come' Quest Steps

In Season 15 players will have a brand new quest to undertake known as 'For the War to Come'. There are five steps to complete and each offers a few rewards, but the main offering is the new weapons, Peacebond and Forge’s Pledge.

We've listed the quest steps below, along with the description, objective and rewards.

Destiny 2 Iron Banner Bounties

Before turning in your accrued tokens, you'll likely need to finish Lord Saladin's quest. Once it's completed you can try your hand at the following bounties:

  • Victory Banners: Complete matches in the Iron Banner playlist. Wins award bonus progress.
  • Manoeuvre Warfare: Defeat opponents while your team holds Zone Advantage. Earn bonus progress during the Hunt.
  • An Arsenal of Tricks: Defeat opponents with final blows from any ability. Earn bonus progress for Supers and opponents with a higher Power Level.
  • Iron Confidence: Defeat opponents with final blows from any weapon. Earn bonus progress for energy weapons, power weapons, and opponents with a higher Power Level.

Destiny 2 Iron Banner Weapons

Good news – for the second season in a row, new weapons are coming. Following the excellent array of armaments in Season of the Splicer, players can get their hands on the Forge's Pledge Pulse Rifle and Peacebond Sidearm.

Here's what Bungie has said about them in the run-up to this season:

Last Season, Lord Saladin brought some fresh weapons to the fold for Guardians to earn in the Iron Banner. Riiswalker packed a punch in the Crucible, and Archon’s Thunder could go on a rampage in PvE. Next Season, two new weapons will make their appearance: the Forge’s Pledge Pulse Rifle and Peacebond Sidearm, each available through vendor packages, bounties, match rewards, and the Seasonal Iron Banner quest.

Destiny 2 Iron Banner Armour

After what felt like an age without new Iron Banner armour, there's a new set coming with Season 15.

It'll get a new perk, too:

Starting next Season, we’ll be introducing the Iron Lord’s Pride intrinsic perk through this set. Wearing a piece of this armor grants a small chance of an Enhancement Prism dropping at the end of an Iron Banner match. Each additional piece worn increases the chance, capping out at four pieces total. Defeat your foes with the fury of an Iron Forge. Show no mercy. 
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